Friday 30 March 2007

A Day in The Life

Life has suddenly got a lot busier. Work is getting more demanding. I only started my job last November and in construction where jobs take years to come to fruition and then a year or two to build I am only just getting to grips with what I have to do. I could moan about some aspects of my work, after all there are very few how actually enjoy going to work, but on the whole the job is not bad. With the new job I’m out of the house far less than when I was working in London. I can leave at 8:15 and get back home for about 5:45.

I now have much less free time in my working day, but much more free time in my home life. I should be able to blog more than I do! Mornings I like to sleep in foe and extra 45 minutes but then I get up, and feed the baby, get dressed and pile off to work. In the evenings there is my run (not every day, not that much recently if the truth be told). I often get roped in to helping the wife with her business, to looking after the baby or doing chores around the house. I finally get to sit down these days at around 8:30, but summer is coming an it makes the evenings much more fun. My social diary is filling up fast.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to "BLOGLAND"

AFC 30K said...

Thanks steve_p.

I will try to post a little more frequently but not tomorrow - I'm down your end of the world in Folkstone.