Monday 2 April 2007

The Wife

The Wife, or Wifey as she is referred to reads this blog and has wondered when I may get around to writing about her.

Writing about your wife, girlfriend or in fact any 'significant other' poses all sorts of problems - I mean, what should I write. She may be offended by what I write. She may have really pissed me off and I may want to vent my frustration in blog land. I could write about sex - sex bloggers are very influential in cyber space. I may just feel 'loved-up' one day and I do need to keep her on her toes.....

So, for those of you out there that may be reading, what do you think - post or no post?


Anonymous said...

Playing it safe for the moment I see. Maybe we could become famous with the first husband and wife blog - have arguments etc in blog land, so that we are harmonious off your blog. Or do your readers think i should vow not to read your blog - because it might ruin your creativity!!

AFC 30K said...

Trust me - our arguments don't need to be aired in public they're bad enough in private.

martin said...

O post !. Your wife sounds cool. Perhaps she should have her own blog ?............

AFC 30K said...

Martin - She has her own blog - She started it on Monday try this for a link...

Anonymous said...

I still get the odd kicking from Barbarella for not making her sexy enough.....

AFC 30K said...

They never are once you've married them......

Just don't get me started on the wife jokes

Ally said...

I find the blog quite useful for communicating things that would sounds FAR too petty if I brought them up in person :).