Friday 11 May 2007

That Was the Week That Was.

Well what a week. Last weekend was our son’s christening. This roughly translates in to a mad frantic house clean and tidy (It took a whole day this time(we’re not that dirty it’s just we’ve only been in the house 6 months)) and get together with lots of friends and family and just for good measure a little dose of stress.

I really loved the baptism. Junior when to sleep straight after he’d been dunked in the font and didn’t grumble one little bit. The house looks a lot better too. There’s nothing like ‘a bit of a do’ to spur Wifey and I on to actually doing stuff to the house.

The fattened calf was procured for the bbq after the baptism which meant we had to have another bbq on Monday to made some headway in to the mountain of food Wifey and the Mother-in-law had laid on.

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent on site. This is a rare treat for me these days as I don’t often see anything beyond my computer screen. I locked horns with a couple people on site and enjoyed it (it was purely business and absolutely nothing personal, in fact I have a great respect for both guys). It got the blood flowing, cleared some cobwebs and it was back amongst the ‘muck & bullets’. It reminded me that I do actually build stuff for a living. I fact it showed me just how much influence I have on a project these days. It also showed me whose fault it is if you miss details. There were some details missed but I count theme as learning experiences and I’ll pay closer attention to these areas in the future.

I took Thursday off to help Wifey with her business in the morning and went with her to her mothers meeting. I call them the Coven as they are always plotting something, I’m sure mainly against the men in their lives! Fortunately one of the other fathers works odd shifts so at least there was other male company.

As for today, as soon as I got to the office I was summoned in to head office in central London. So by the time I got there, there was time for a quick meeting, some lunch and a continuation of the meeting and then back home. Made some calls, reworked a spreadsheet and wrote this post.

I blinked and the week was over!

Have a good weekend and I’ll be back on Monday.


Rog said...

Baptisms are so similar to blogging aren't they?

You just never know which font to use!

(fnarr etc)

AFC 30K said...

Hello Murph and welcome. It's so nice to see you here, however I don't have any bakers complete shite, only pedigree chum.....

There were two fonts to choose from... One for babies and one complete immersion for adults.