Wednesday 23 May 2007


I don’t know what is in the air but most of the people I know, both friends and people I work with, are stressed at the moment. To protect those innocents I shall not divulge any circumstances involved. I can of course talk about Wifey & I.

My job is middle to senior management level but I do not have any direct staffs as all those I am responsible for are contractors or consultants. There is only the big boss above me. I have the power to change many things but equally do not have the power to change some incredibly minor things. I also do not have the power to change the culture of the organisation. I truly want to help and to do what’s best but find it demoralising and a little stressful when I am overruled.

That said, for the most part I like my job. I just think I could be doing much better.

Wifey is stressed as her new IT system is not quite there yet. It’s much closer following a trip to the centre of operations by B-i-L last night. However, BT have a problem with the broadband, a problem that is going over the heads of their support guys and is now being referred to the techies. Also a vital piece of software is not yet installed and there are still a couple of compatibility issues and some ‘OK this is a new system, what do we do with it?’ issues.

Her being stressed stresses me. I am powerless to help yet I get the grief because I am the one that she can actually moan, snap and shout at. It’s difficult for me to accept but she has to vent her anger and stress on someone and that someone is me.

So I say to me friends and work associates “Here’s looking forward to everyone calming down and becoming a little happier before the end of June.” *raises large glass of wine, pauses and then takes a rather large gulp*

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