Tuesday 1 May 2007


There are many things in ones life that can lead a chap to be frustrated. For instance; your team loosing at home, friends who are more successful than us, rejection when chatting up a girl, however;

There is nothing quite like spending quality time with your partner, spending a nice evening together, a cuddle and a smooch on the sofa, some nice pillow talk and then the imminent promise of sweet intimacy* only to have your ardour dashed by your partner coming out in an allergic rash and then proceed to itch not stop for the next hour whilst saying “you don’t mind if I’m not in the mood now, do you?”…. No, no of course not**, I hope you feel better soon, night love.

*If I said sex in stead of intimacy do you think I'll get loads of traffic like those sex bloggers. If I do then I may have to start a sex blog, write a book, and pay off the mortgage.

**Yes I bloody well do mind and you’ll have to forgive me if I’m now a bit grumpy….

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