Friday 17 August 2007

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

Well, I’ve just had the dreaded phone call. I was right. I don’t have the relevant experience and I really bombed on my numerical reasoning test. Although, on a positive note, my verbal reasoning test was described as ‘excellent’.

I knew this was going to be the case. Please don’t call me pessimistic, I am a realist. I read the situation well and knew they were looking for someone that was doing the same job already.


Apparently I made a really good impression and they would like to consider me for another role within the organisation. The role actually pays less than my current salary, but it would mean future career prospects. We talked about salary and the Director in charge is going to have a think about it and get back to me in a couple of weeks.

Yet again I have my fingers crossed.


The Boy said...

Like you say, good news and bad news mixed up. Good luck on the good news front any way!

martin said...

Strange how things work out. As you say it could be better in the future. I would cross my fingers,but I need to paint !.

AFC 30K said...

Thank you gentlemen.

I wait in eager anticipation.

And Martin, I'd offer to help but I've go way to much painting to do myself and it always seems to take longer than you'd orginially planned