Thursday 16 August 2007

This period of my life, abreviated

I still haven’t finished telling you all about the holiday yet, but time is short at the moment.

By day I have to work and by night I have a house to renovate, a baby to look after and then hopefully some me time veged out on the sofa with Wifey and a cat or two. Tonight I’ll be under coating the wood work in one of the bedrooms, so that’ll be 8 pm by the time I’ve finished and washed my brush, they I’ll have to clean my self up, tidy the house and sit down for something to eat about 9, just in time to watch House.

Nothing much interesting is happening at work at the moment, nothing to really get my teeth into, just mundane stuff that I don’t enjoy and as a consequence, not very good at. I keep flitting back to the fact that I should hear on Friday if I’ve made it through to the next round of the interview process of the potential new job.

I’d love to say things will be different soon, but no. After the bedroom I’m going to have to move Wifey’s office from the dinning room to one of the spare bedrooms and then start decorating the dinning room (which is currently wall papered in pink flock). Working in construction things will take time to change at work also (unless I get the new job)

I may post more later but I’m just off to read a Housing Strategy Document… What fun.


martin said...

O how I can relate to the painting !. I almost wake up holding a paint brush now.
I have still have so much left to paint and I am off to France next week to bring Wendy back, o well there is a brush for her......

AFC 30K said...

Wifey also has a paint brush, She does the 'cutting in' but other than that girls don't have the patience to prepare the surface properly.

They don't see the point of a rough sand folowed by sugar saop and then a wash with clean water and a dry. Undercoat and then top coat...

Wifey would just slap on a top coat if I'd let her!

Good luck in your endeavours to get the place ready for Wendy arrives..