Thursday, 24 January 2008

Homeward Bound Part Deux

So, today I'm homeward bound. Yesterday I finished sorting my fathers house. Everything has been opened, recycled, shredded, binned, or kept for potential posterity. I loaded up my van for the journey back and then got down on my knees and vacuumed the entire house from top to bottom.

There is still the thorny issue of a storage unit which he had which will need clearing as it's costing us monthly at the moment. I've been asking my brother to do it since shortly after mat fathers death. So far he's not even been near the place, despite working not 5 minuets from the storage facility. This is starting to niggle me as it's something unfinished that needs to be concluded. I could come back up north next week to do it, but firstly there are things that need to be done at home, such as decorating, and helping Wifey with her business, which is still busy thankfully. I also miss being away from my family; I feel there are few things that can compare to snuggling up to your partners naked body in bed and holding her until she sleeps. I really miss that.

I feel like, apart from organising the funeral, Wifey and I have done pretty much everything in terms of sorting out the house. If I leave the storage unit to my brother there's no telling how long it will be before it's cleared, let alone sorted. I leave Derbyshire feeling like a job well done in clearing the house, yet I don't carry the sense of closure on the task that I was hoping for.


The Boy said...

Ah, sibling conversations over "things to do". So much harder than doing it with anyone else!

AFC 30K said...

Easy for me to say, hard for my brother to listen....

I have learnt over the years to I need to make time to listen and appreciate others points of view - my brother, now fast approaching his 40th birthday still has the listening skills of a six year old....